Archive: Beano Annual 1992
Take a peek inside this 1990’s annual, filled with classic comic strips and adventure stories!
1992 Beano Annual
1992’s annual features stories from some classic characters, brought into full colour for the first time!

Pansy Potter – she’s back!
The strongman’s daughter punched through Beano pages with brand new strips that ran during the early 90’s. These were illustrated by Bob Nixon, who also drew Ivy the Terrible and Roger the Dodger.
Meet Les Pretend
Les gets a rootin’-tootin’ Annual debut in the 1992 Beano Book, where he dons a cowboy outfit to cause some trouble.
Lord Snooty returns to Bunkerton Castle
The Earl of Bunkerton makes a return to the Beano Book’s pages, after nearly 40 years.
Check out more archive annuals from the 90’s!